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Full Version: Grepolisbot expansion - Lich King
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(This is not the bot, this is just an expansion)

Reminder: There will be no future new expansions besides Loyal King and Lich King , all future new content will be either released on Wise Expansion ( for free),  Loyal King or Lich King.

Lich King  Expansion
[Image: lichkingexpansion.png]
This expansion currently contains:
-Dead Raiser ( Auto-Remake your lost troops)

-Curse Lord ( Auto-EarthQuake and Lightning )

-This expansion is subect to new content beeing added.

(usable only if you have an active bot subscription)
(this price may change in the future)

Some features require captain and / or administrator .

sales are open

Order Price: 65$ /Year (62.69€)
[Image: buy.png]

Remember to check out our tutorial to learn how to use it by clicking here

If you're having issues to purchase, feel free to contact us.
When will this be available for purchase? I have been a loyal customer and would like to order expansions.
(10-12-2018, 04:09 AM)RoarRex Wrote: [ -> ]When will this be available for purchase? I have been a loyal customer and would like to order expansions.

The expansions may open and close at any time, when open you'll see an announcement in the bot news or in discord.

Its currently beeing tested and improved before opening sales.
Sales are Open