CrigL Grepolis Bot
requirements:Firefox and TamperMonkey (click here to install)
(you can also install it with TamperMonkey for Firefox)
Or Chrome and Tampermonkey for Chrome
Click here to install the bot v14.2
All basic version functions +
Anti-Grepolis-Update bot stop
Auto Farmer (Doenst require captain but it is recommended )
Auto Reconnector
Auto Constructer
Auto Recruiter
Auto Dodger
Auto Festivals
Auto Merchant
Auto Trader
Auto Attack & Defend Schedule
Share Attack and Defense with other bot users
And probably more... Give it a try (:
And many more features!
1 Crigl Account per Grepolis account
![[Image: 1month.png]](
![[Image: 6months.png]](
( *6.1$ / month)[/color]
![[Image: 1year.png]](
( *5.6$ / month)
Included with the bot 100% Free - Wise Expansion
![[Image: wisefreeexpansion.png]](
Activation is automatic!
(for paypal and stripe)
Right after you finish your purchase, you instantly receive your serial key to use with the script.
We accept PayPal, Paysafecard ( few contries only ) , Skrill and Bank Transfer
By making a purchase you also unlock special access in the forums aswell as premium status (priority support and access to guided documentation)
To unlock this special access you must be registered and loggedin before buying.
By making a purchase you agree with our terms of service.
Other Expansions you might be interested on: (optional)
![[Image: loyalkingexpansion.png]](
Click Here for more information